
Lack of unity. The County Commissioners must facilitate rather than

impede development though positive communication with communities and

county agencies. We will easily find workable solutions to our problems if

we work together. I don’t categorize people based on where they live or

worship. I have experienced an “us vs. them” mentality here, and I believe

this is detrimental to a unified vision for the future growth and success of

our county.

What do you think is the biggest problem facing Pottawatomie County and how would you try to solve it?

Why are you running for county commission and why are you qualified?

I am proud to call Pottawatomie County home. My children and grandchildren live and work here, and I have an interest in their future here and want to play a positive role in the future growth of the County.

I have extensive experience in private business, project management, and infrastructure planning. Working for a nonprofit for the last 8 years has made me keenly aware of the importance of using resources prudently. Wasteful spending is not an option. It’s bad business, and it’s the wrong thing to do. I have a proven track record of applying an organized approach and implementing a realistic process of ongoing improvement to businesses and organizations.

Balancing the northern and southern parts of the county is a perpetual issue. How would you think that should be done?

As a commissioner, I will respect all our citizens. Farming is the number one industry in our county. We need to preserve farmland, but support developments responsibly while maximizing this preservation. The key to success in any good plan is educating stakeholders on the benefit potential in the areas that development would potentially impact.

Our county will always have agriculture as its foundation. Development poses no threat to this, and when properly planned and executed, will further efforts to preserve not only our resources but our identity. The bulk of our major development will necessarily take place along the 24 Corridor. The Commissioners should focus efforts there but must also foster growth that supports our smaller communities.